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Category: Adoption

Happy Co-Parenting Through Summer Break

Talking to your ex is one thing, but planning, communicating and being agreeable with your ex is another thing completely. You’re not just exes, you’re parents too and that means some extra effort goes into keeping this summer the break your family and kids deserve. Great times and great memories don’t just happen, you’ve got to do your part to keep stress low and create happy summer memories!  Here are some things to keep in mind.


  • It’s all about your child(ren).  No matter what the situation, make sure they benefit in the end.
  • Peace. The stress of co-parenting through all your summer happenings is inevitable, so it’s all about how you handle it.  Be strong and be the example of peace for your family.


  • Speak Kindly – This isn’t as simple as it sounds, we know.  But the difference between a nice tone and a negative tone can save you a lot of misunderstandings and negative interactions.
  • Communicate and Confirm – Be as clear as possible about your plans and expectations, once everything is worked out, confirm one last time before you part or end your conversations. A quick text to wrap up of the plan and reference later on never hurts.
  • Find a Mediator – If smiling through a polite conversation with your ex just isn’t possible, don’t hesitate to designate a mediator to keep important information flowing without all the emotion.
  • Be flexible – Disappointment, frustration and impatience are sure to make an appearance this summer, but if you make the decision to not sweat the small stuff, it’ll be easier to get back to your summer break happiness.
  • Enjoy Your Summer – Obstacles and all, you’re making this whole thing work one way or another, and you’re doing it for the people you love the most.

It’s Your family, Your Life and Your Story to Write.

Everyone here at Rachel Frazier Johnson Law wishes you a great summer break and hope that we have helped in a small way to ease the stress of co-parenting.

Disclaimer: The information above is not intended to be and does not constitute legal advice, counseling or recommendations under any circumstances. The use of the content does not create an attorney-client relationship or other professional relationship between the user and Rachel Frazier Johnson Law. Rachel Frazier Johnson Law strongly recommends that if the user has a specific legal issue then they engage an attorney admitted to practice law in their jurisdiction. The user is exclusively responsible for their selection of an attorney and for making all arrangements with that attorney. The content above and the Rachel Frazier Johnson Law website is not a substitute for competent legal advice. Reliance on and use of the information contained in or linked from the website of Rachel Frazier Johnson Law is done at your own risk.

The Costs of Not Having An Attorney

When it comes to hiring an attorney a good majority of individuals think the costs far outweigh the reward. Although, this can be a money saving avenue for some, the truth is for most people, saving money in the beginning costs much more in the end.

Attorney, Lauren A. Bostick, is a natural born advocate who’s dedicated to helping others through her extensive experience in family law, divorce, child custody, spousal maintenance and child support provides us with a great example of what hiring the right lawyer can do for you.

Lauren consistently achieves outstanding results for our clients and their family court matters. Just yesterday she produced another big win.

Our clients came to Lauren with a tragic story and in desperate need of child support she felt she was owed. Previously, she went to court unrepresented in her family case matter while the opposing party had acquired counsel.

What You Need to Know:

Without much knowledge of the law representing yourself is an arduous task, one only more challenging when you are working against an opposing party that has hired counsel. It’s important to remember that clearly, no attorney can guarantee results but one thing to remember is that unrepresented you can face opposing counsel who’s life’s work has been to do what you are trying to learn and execute effectively.

It’s hard work and although not impossible, winning a case unrepresented when facing another represented party, is an exception to the rule and not the rule.

Unfortunately, our client, like most unrepresented clients, had to learn the hard way resulting in the judge not ruling in the opposing party’s favor.

In fact, this resulted in a denial of child support and, to make things worse, an order to pay the other party’s attorney’s fees.  Not only was the child support she needed denied but now she had to pay for the other party’s counsel.

After this unfavorable ruling, she called us. Attorney Bostick listened to her story, sought understanding of the events, and then drawing on her knowledge and experience of family law, concluded that the client did in fact, have grounds for child support.

What You Need to Know:

One thing to remember when looking for counsel is that no matter who your attorney is, they cannot guarantee results. But what does work in your favor is the results are based on the specific facts of your case and the rulings of the Court. Which means, when hiring your attorney, it’s important to share all of your story, make sure the attorney is listening attentively, and feel confident that they can act as your advocate.

This case is a prime example of why we recommend at minimum consulting with an attorney before making the decision to hire or not hire an attorney. It could save you much more money in the end.

Another demonstration of Attorney Bostick’s talents, experience and commitment to advocating for those who cannot for themselves was one our client is grateful for.

Our client was awarded the child support she needed to properly provide for her children. And the court vacated, cancelled, the order requiring her to pay the other’s attorney’s fees.

It was a huge win for our client and another example of what hiring the right attorney can do for your.

Disclaimer: The information above is not intended to be and does not constitute legal advice, counseling or recommendations under any circumstances. The use of the content does not create an attorney-client relationship or other professional relationship between the user and Rachel Frazier Johnson Law. Rachel Frazier Johnson Law strongly recommends that if the user has a specific legal issue then they engage an attorney admitted to practice law in their jurisdiction. The user is exclusively responsible for their selection of an attorney and for making all arrangements with that attorney. The content above and the Rachel Frazier Johnson Law website is not a substitute for competent legal advice. Reliance on and use of the information contained in or linked from the website of Rachel Frazier Johnson Law is done at your own risk.

Hiring an attorney